Saturday, October 16, 2010

weird dream scenario

I just woke up from a nap... and it was starting to turnout to be a nightmare but not really... its weird. I dreamt that I was in a town (las vegas looking but it wasn't what the real Las Vegas). This town was a place that I've been to in dream-land before and I recognized that place in my dreams before. I found it really eerie that I recollected a dream from the past within the dream itself. The kicker is everytime i'm in this "town that looks like Vegas" I have to escape for my life from zombies and i'm the only one alive. It's really weird. I know its my creative side running amuck and that I should really stop playing Dead Rising, Resident Evil, and other zombie like movies but I found it really weird that I have created this little place that I seem to go back to once in awhile. Some psychological inception crap going on right there..

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