Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Seven Pounds of....

It's Movie Monday Mayhem Madness!! MMMM! That's two movies in two days! Hollywood gets rich off people like me. Anyways after seeing that poster of Will Smith (who I deemed as one of Moonchie's top 3 actor award yesterday), I knew I had to see this movie. Hell I didn't even know what it was about but after hearing it was another sappy drama made by the guys that made Pursuit of Happiness, I knew it had to be good. Right? So we went to go see it. Justin was too cool to appreciate the transcedental drama that Will Smith brings to the silver screen, so he decided to sit this one out. However, as for my critique on the flick..... I have none, HAH! Overall I thought it was good, but.... not a Pursuit of Happiness lets say. I will say that the movie does inspire you to count your blessings especially during the holiday season. Tommorow will not be another movie day... I promise.


Justin said...



The end.

That's my review on you for not reviewing it.

- said...

Jason, you wouldn't have this problem if u didn't watch movies like me. c'mon don't u learn anything.

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